

no sq on receipts Sat :-(

Posted: 12 Jun 2016 09:28 AM PDT

oh well

advice needed on Colgate deal this week

Posted: 12 Jun 2016 09:23 AM PDT

Our local food pantry gives out toiletries, a great benefit for ebt folks. There was a terrific mq - $1 off colgate toothpaste locally - it worked at DT on 2 of their offerings. I bought 100 of them from California and those were restricted - none of the dt offerings work [they all beep]. The mq's expire Sat 6/18 so we need to act quickly.

WAG has a mm deal - several colgates that qualify are $3 with a $2.50 register reward - add in the $1 mq and you are all set = mm. But if you use the reg reward on another colgate product you will lose the $2.50 reg rew on that transaction!.. OUCH.

Any advice?

There is a suave deal with mq's and points - that might help some. $2 for $6 with mq of $2 off 2. If you buy 3 [?] yo get 3k points = $3. Maybe if I double the order it will line up to $1.00 per bottle. and I could alternate between suave and colgate.

The BIC 2 ct razors is a possibility, $3 cost and 3k in points added to pt balance
